Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Flight #4 Night Landing!

Weather had solid ceiling at around 4000'

Left CRP around 4:30 and headed over the Mustang Beach airstrip to do T&G's ... steady Xwind out of the south.

Despite having studied the standard pattern I had a very hard time squaring it up ... and setting up a good approach. Also had a hard time seeing and keeping track of the strip. Probably would have done better if I'd picked out some landmarks to target on each leg. We did about 4 T&G's .. all poor.

Got dark so we headed back to CRP .. beautiful at night ... followed a Navy Trainer in for straight in final with slight cross .. landed it myself .. not bad for my first night landing .. the runway lights were pretty cool.

Controller got on our case three times about doing post landing cklist on the taxiway .... Tim got pissed and raced the plane back to the FBO ... I thought it was kind of funny.

Columbia 400 demo on Thurs when I'll pick colors and put down a $15k deposit and reserve a slot for sometime next Spring. Tres and I plan to fly up to Michigan assembly plan .. get the flight instruction together .. then fly it back .. Man that is exciting.

Flight physical is Thurs AM .. keeping fingers crossed ..


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