The weather warned of high winds when Tim & I left Corpus for the round robin of local airports. Crp was 140 @ 11 when we left on 13. First we headed SE with broken ceilings at 1400' and 2400' to Kleberg IKG.
Got lost and off course immediately but finally found it and did successful T&G on 13 ( winds 140 @ 10 G21). Headed north to Alice ( 140 @ 15) for another T&G on 13. Headed NE to Sinton (T69) .. no weather so did mid field flyover .. sock was down 14. Had a little trouble getting setup in the pattern but finally did and came in with a lot of turbulence on short short .. did go around and got it the second time. Sinton's runway is only 55' wide .. !
Headed NE to Refurio (RFP) for another 14 runway .. no weather. Did T&G and headed east to Rockport (RKP). Winds were 130 @ 15 G21 with 1800' ceilings .. it was getting bumpy. The approach was over water ( Copano Bay ) so the glideslope had to be steeper to allow for a no power emergency landing. Completed T&G there and turned south to Mustang Beach.
Has a little trouble finding Mustang (RAS). Winds were 130 @ 15 G19. Got setup for a conventional patter by going down the beach and turning west onto a left downwind for 12. A little sloppy but got it down. We pulled off to take a 15 minute break (Tim had to drop the kids off).
Left RAS and turned back west on the downwind leg towards TP McCampbell (T43). Came in directly on left downwind leg and did T&G on 13. Turned west and headed out on downwind leg .. ceilings were around 1500'.
Headed back towards Crp .. contacted Crp Approach .. initially assigned 17 .. but as we got closer the tower gave us 13. I got very confused at this point thinking that the tower wanted me to enter into a downwind leg for 13 .. and I was headed down from the north... I just wanted a straight in. Also, I got 13 confused with 13.
Tim just sat there as he is suppose to do .. and let me sweat bullets as I wandered around the C space waiting for the tower to kick my ass .. while I attempt to process all this conflicted data. Finally I figured out which runway was 13 and realized I was already setup for the base leg .. which Tim finally confirmed was what the tower told me ( duh!).
Anyway the approach and landing on 13 was very soft. Since the winds were 160 @ 25 G32 our groundspeed was getting down there. The was no doubt about the wind as we taxi'd back to Mercury ... I had hell keeping the plane on the taxiways.
Things I learned:
1) Pilotage is much harder than I imagined ... I used the GPS extensively ... I need a lot more practice recognizing features from the air.
2) PrePlanning pattern entry ( mental picture of runways and pattern entry) would significantly reduce the confusion coming into an airport. You're too busy on radios, checking weather and flying the plane to sort this out then.
3) Airport inspections 500' above the runway ( to ck sock and traffic ) must be across midfield ..not the ends of the runway .. assume you'll do a 270 once over for entry into the appropriate downwind leg.
4) Holding headings is critical .. ditto alititude .. I was surprised at how much trouble I had with this... Guess I had too many distractions checking weather, GPS and pilotage.
5) I can fly and land in windy conditions (!!) .. this was a real confidence builder. Now I just need to get solo time doing the same thing.