Friday, November 17, 2006

Sim Round Robin

Finally getting new MS Sim-X working.

Yesterday practiced flying VOR approaches.

Today I loaded a Round Robin flight plan to practice VAR approaches and landings at nearby airports. I think the Sim is much harder than the real thing -its so had to see in the Sim.

IFR Stuck


Almost complete with my IFR ticket, but can’t seem to get it over the line. It’s clear now the AFIT training was inadequate. I’m now training with Pate after Tim and I had a falling out. Currently the focus is hand flying VOR approaches.

The good news is I’m getting comfortable with the Columbia. Got about 50 hours.

The bad news is I’m not comfortable flying solo I or with landings.

I’ve got to get focused, and do the following
1) Solo time 172 – practice landings and basic maneuvers
2) IFR dual with Pate – nail approaches
3) Columbia dual with Tres till ready to solo
4) Sim time before all above – always fly with a mission
5) Flash cards for IFR trivia – carry and review
6) Reading

I need to develop the confidence to enjoy flying and to take passengers on fun trips.

I’ll log my progress here.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Mexico with Tres in Columbia

First trip to Mexico in the Columbia. Dry run for trip I'll be making often.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

IFR w/ Pate

Hand flying ALI VOR approaches. Got dark, confused, pretty shitty overall.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

IFR w/ Pate

Hand flew approaches at CRP - poor.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Tim blowup

Tim takes me up to make a point - but not a helpful one.

Decided I would use Pate to finish IFR training.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Solo 172 to PIL

First Solo in a long time.

Had intended to do a round robin but decided I didn't want to work that hard.

OK landing at PIL

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Pink Slip

Failed oral exam with Mc Dougle.

Problem was alternate airport minimums. Didn't get to fly.